Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Thing One"
I'm not sure what I would like to get out of these classes. I have had an iPad for over a year and the "newness" has somewhat worn off. I have  learned how to do somethings in a different way because of the limitations and the freedom the iPad gives me. I don't use iPads in my classroom because I have 70 desktop computers that I can use at anytime during the day. One of my other responsible within the district is to train the classroom teachers on how to  best implement and utilize the iPad in their classroom. This means I need to keep up on new ways on how to best use the iPad with children.   

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, I think you will find some worthwhile apps that you can implement into your classes. Hey, if for no other reason, you will gain some knowledge and find a way to use some of these apps for personal use.
